Registration Cape Intermediate Gasshuku, 29 August 2020 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Surname, First Name *Surname, First name; Van, Naam; Apellido nombre; Prénom Nom - e.g. Daniels, JackEmail *NB! Your personal email, instantly accessable for all information, such as the Zoom ID and PasswordYour Grade - your Present Grade (Huidige Grading) *E.g. Junior 2KYU, Senior 1KYU, 3DANCountry and Dojo (SA lede: RSA, Dojo naam) *Country name NB - Dojo if applicable; RSA members: RSA, Dojo nameSessions you will attend *Live in DojoZoom OnlyLive in Dojo and Kyu GradingWebsite Option Note: Persons Grading do so Live in the DojoPayment Method *International Members - PayPallIOGKFSA Members - EFT to IOGKFSA Bank AccountIOGKFSA Members Grading For: SeniorsSenior 4th Kyu - BlueSenior 3rd Kyu - BrownSenior 2nd Kyu - Brown + 1Senior 1st Kyu - Brown + 2NB Only persons older than 18 years; LW: Slegs persone ouer as 18 jaarIOGKFSA Members Grading For: JuniorsJunior 8th Kyu - BlueJunior 7th Kyu - Blue+1Junior 6th Kyu - Blue+2Junior 5th Kyu - Blue+3Junior 4th Kyu - BrownJunior 3rd Kyu - Brown+1Junior 2nd Kyu - Brown+2Junior 1st Kyu - Brown+3Junior Shodan (16years)NB: Only Juniors 15 years and older ; Slegs persone ouer as 15 jaarPhoneREGISTER